How Does 5g Look in the Future?

A 5g Future?

Let’s travel back to the dial-up days when it took so long to connect to the internet that you could barely sit still. We’d twiddle our thumbs, tap our feet anxiously, and stare at the wall for what seemed like forever. Okay, so maybe let’s not go back there. Instead, let’s take a trip into the future.

Imagine sitting at a traffic light waiting for the light to turn green. No one else is on the road other than you, yet there is this pesky little red light. Now imagine a world where that traffic light would interact with your car, recognize that your vehicle is the only one on the road, and the light instantly turns green. How cool would that be? Well, friends, that very scene is our future with 5G.

Let’s look at farming. Farmers from fifty years ago would not believe how much farming has changed from then until now, and they would be surprised out of their minds about how it will change in the future. Imagine automating farming. There would be no need for hours upon hours of manual labor or standing out in the heat, the rain, and other elements. Farmers will have access to better farm equipment, smart equipment, and in-ground sensors, for more precise accounts of the land. Using drones, the crops will be watered, animals will be fed, and should there be a need for action, farmers will know much faster than ever before.

We cannot forget TV and gaming. How frustrating is it when you’re streaming a movie and you see the circle pop up on the screen indicating your movie is loading? It always happens at a great part of the movie. Could 5G mean the end of delays and lagging? That will surely make gamers jump for joy. Chatting probably isn’t much fun when there’s a five-second lag on one end, just enough time to make communicating effectively feel like a challenge.

Do you remember going to see your first 3D movie? You felt like the objects were coming off the screen directly toward you. You could literally feel the action. It was as if you were a part of the movie, right? Well, quadruple that experience. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) allow users to feel like they are on the field, in the car, or wherever game life takes them. Only now, this formerly once-a-year experience is in your school, or better yet, at your home in your very own living room, and it’s only getting better.

While these are just a few of the ways in which 5G will affect us, the fact is it will impact every industry. The benefits of 5G are remarkable. The challenges have been heavily debated and continue to be a concern for many people. Regardless of which side of the track you fall on the topic of 5G, one thing is for sure. The future is looking smarter, faster, and more advanced than we’ve ever seen or known.

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